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Seite:Coppernicus 008.png

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LaTeX Source Code

% complile with »pdflatex«
  \draw (0,0) circle[radius=2];
  \coordinate (A) at (180:2);
  \coordinate (B) at (\CEB:2);
  \coordinate (C) at (0:2);
  \coordinate (D) at (\CEB/2:2);
  \coordinate (E) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (G) at (\CEB/2-180:2);
  \path[draw, name path=lineBC] (B) -- (C);
  \path[draw, name path=lineGD] (G) -- (D);
  \path[name intersections={of=lineBC and lineGD,name=sectionF}];
  \coordinate (F) at (sectionF-1);
  \draw (A) -- (B);
  \draw (A) -- (C);
  \draw (B) -- (G);
  \draw (B) -- (D);
  \draw (A) +(180:0.2) node{$a$};
  \draw (B) +(\CEB:0.2) node{$b$};
  \draw (C) +(0:0.2) node{$c$};
  \draw (D) +(\CEB/2:0.2) node{$d$};
  \draw (E) +(\CEB/4-90:0.2) node{$e$};
  \draw (F) +(\CEB/2-135:0.3) node{$f$};
  \draw (G) +(\CEB/2-180:0.2) node{$g$};